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The Moth Eaten Shelf

Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high! ...But you don't have to take my, or Lamar Burton's, word for it. Just take a look, it's in a book.

Currently reading

The Backstory of Wallpaper: Paper-Hangings 1650-1750
Robert M. Kelly
Progress: 5/183 pages
Death of a Gossip
M.C. Beaton
Korean for Beginners: Mastering Conversational Korean (CD-ROM Included)
Henry J. Amen IV, Kyubyong Park
Visualize This: The Flowing Data Guide to Design, Visualization, and Statistics
Nathan Yau
Discovering Statistics Using R
Zoe Field, Andy Field, Jeremy Miles
Pushkin House (American Literature (Dalkey Archive))
Andrei Bitov, Susan Brownsberger
Beginner's Korean
Jeyseon Lee
La Nouvelle Héloïse: Julie, or the New Eloise
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Judith H. McDowell
Edith Wharton
Hermione Lee
Linear Models with R (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science)
Julian James Faraway

Shakespearean Challenge

Four years ago I started a personal challenge to read all the Shakespeare plays that had not been forced upon me in school or had read on my own.  At the time, I believed that I could read the remaining 27 plays in 13 months, at ~two plays per month, as I was working in a remote area for 10 hour-days for eight days straight but still wanted to have some kind of a life.  Once again, I managed quite well for the first half of the year and then life creeped in, leaving the challenge fallow.


The main rules of the challenge were:

1. Read two plays per month so as to have a life.

2. Poems and sonnets to be read at leisure.

3. Read the play before seeing a production.

4. Histories to be read in chronological order.

5. The order of the plays depended on category with no two same categories next to one another in order for balance.  Example: history, tragedy, comedy, history, comedy, tragedy but NOT history, tragedy, tragedy, comedy, as that could get too depressing. (Given the severity of the histories, I set up the list such that there was a comedy and tragedy between them.)


Once all the plays were read then one could do the more competitive versions of "The Game of Shakespeare", which is much more fun if you actually know the less popular plays and actually like Shakespeare (http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/3606/the-game-of-shakespeare). ...But I digress.  So here is the list with dates of completion and italics for histories.


The Playbill

  1. King John (14 Jan 2010)
  2. Trolius and Cressida (24 Jan)
  3. Coriolanus (16 Feb)
  4. Richard II (22 Feb)
  5. Two Gentlemen of Verona (06 Mar)
  6. Two Noble Kinsmen (not found in my collection)
  7. Henry IV, Part I (19 Apr)
  8. Measure for Measure (17 May)
  9. Titus Andronicus (11 Jul)
  10. Henry IV, Part II (20 Jul)
  11. All's Well That Ends Well (29 Jul)
  12. Pericles (08 Feb 2011)
  13. Henry V (12 Apr 2011)
  14. As You Like It
  15. Tempest
  16. Henry VI, Part I
  17. Anthony and Cleopatra
  18. Love's Labor's Lost
  19. Henry VI, Part II
  20. Winter's Tale
  21. Henry VI, Part III
  22. Cymbeline
  23. Timon of Athens
  24. Richard III
  25. King Lear
  26. Merry Wives of Windsor
  27. Henry VIII


That makes 14 more plays to get through, so even if I am only able to get to roughly one play per month, I should complete the remainder of the plays by the end of the year.